Nasolabial Filler

  1. Anasayfa
  2. Nasolabial Filler
Nazolabial Dolgu

Nasolabial Filler

Nazolabial dolgu burun kenarlarından dudaklara doğru inen ince çizgilerin yaşlanma, genetik faktörler veya çevresel etkiler sebebiyle belirgin hale gelmesi sonucu uygulanan bir estetik dolgudur.

Nazolabial dolgu zamanla oluşan çizgilerin görünümlerinin azaltılması ve böylece kişinin daha genç bir görünüme kavuşması amacıyla uygulanır. Zamanla derinleşen bu çizgiler kişinin daha yaşlı veya mutsuz bir yüz ifadesine sahip görünmesine sebep olabilmektedir.

What is Nasolabial Filling?

Collagen production may decrease in our skin due to aging, which can cause our skin to wrinkle rapidly. However, as we get older, since melting can occur in the subcutaneous tissues as we get older, the bottom of our skin may inevitably empty under our skin and collapses in the skin, moreover, deepening lines may occur day by day.

Nasolabial lines, which we call nasolabial lines, are lines that descend from the wings of the nose to the edges of the lips, which are a vague thin line at a young age, but can deepen and become a groove as they get older.

These nasolabial lines can be filled with hyaluronic acid-based fillers, one of the first procedures that come to mind when it comes to non-surgical aesthetic applications. Thus, we can get rid of the groove appearance that occurs as the subcutaneous tissues melt as we age.

How is nasolabial filling done?

Nasolabial line filling application, which can be very comfortable and practical, is a procedure that can be performed in a clinical environment and takes an average of 15 minutes. In other words, as in many filling applications, taking a short time from your lunch break can help you get rid of this aging deformation.

Most of the hyaluronic acid-based fillers are applications with minimal pain. This pain and discomfort can be minimised with anaesthetic creams. The same rules apply to nasolabial fillers. Local anaesthetics to be applied before the procedure can make the whole session period quite easy.

You can contact us to get detailed information about treatment and fees and to book an appointment. If you wish, you can request us to get back to you by filling out the contact form below.

Genel İletişim Formu (Ads Harici Kullanılacak) EN

How Permanent Is Nasolabial Filling?

Nasolabial filling applications, just like other applications, need to be renewed after a certain period of time. Filling applications, which can be permanent for an average of 12 to 18 months, can extend this period a little longer if performed regularly.

It can be easily performed in combination with other filling and botox procedures applied to the face area at the same time. With nasolabial filling application, you can minimise the effects of aging.